Specializing in Retrievers
Field trials-Hunt test-Gun dogs
Pro trainer Greg Schreiner has been training since 1996.
Greg specializes in retrievers from basics to advanced, including problem solving, by building a foundation that will help each individual dog achieve their potential. Whether you are looking for a good gun dog, hunt test, or field trial dog Greg does it. Greg will also work with you, the owner, to help you become a team with your dog. He doesn't expect you to stay away for two months, he only needs a few days to get started, and encourages owners to be a part of the program. Greg takes pride in the fact that the dogs he trains like him and like to come back for more work with him. Greg trains with a possitive attitude and works hard at keeping the dogs positive by challenging their minds and building a relationship with them making training fun and productive.
Basic Gundog 3-4 Month program
- Full obedience
- force fetch
- basic retrieving land-water
- flushing, gundogs only
- steady to shot
Advanced handling 6-10 months
- Same as basic plus
- casting drills
- lining drills
- double- t
- water force-swim-bye
- marked blinds
- channel blinds
- cheat marks
- diversions
- cold blinds
- multiple marks land-water
Field trial and Hunt test
-all the above plus advanced field drills,marks,and blinds
Obedience training also available with Greg or Liz two to four week program. During this time we will work with the owners to teach them how to handle their dogs. $30.00 per day or $900.00 per month.
Retriever Training $900.00 per month
Field Trial & Hunt Test Handling $75.00
For dogs not in our program
Per day field training with Schreiners retriever training $50
One on one training with Greg $100 per hour. minimum 1 hour
Austin's first winter trip
Digger returning from a blind
one of our home training ponds
Greg, Ace,and Max have success at a field trial
Greg doing obedience with Cash Jan-09
Brad Lockwood and Sam after a day of hunting